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May 4, 2022
Netflix And the Cracks of Western Animation
A discussion on the concerns and fears surrounding the animation industry amidst Netflix's recent layoffs and general troubling shifts.
Mar 13, 2022
NewDeal4Animation Made Simple
An overview of the Animation Guild's ongoing fight for a #NewDeal4Animation, and what you can do to help - both now and going forward.
Feb 5, 2022
When Animation Fans and Animation Staff Don't Mix
A message about the good and bad sides of cartoon fans, and what we should aim to set.
Dec 4, 2021
The Adversity of Animation Appreciation
A brief rundown of how animation has been perceived by the general public across its history, and where we're currently at.
Oct 20, 2021
Hold Onto Your Bloomers, SpongeBob! It's Gonna Be a Bumpy Fright!
Breakdown of SpongeBob Squarepants S11E4, "The Legend of Boo-kini Bottom", animated by Screen Novelties.
Oct 10, 2021
Serialized vs. Episodic - Why Must We Pick?
A discussion on the debate between lighthearted, episodic cartoons and dramatic, serialized ones - and why it's not one worth having.
Where my thoughts on the art of animation, old and new, are shared.
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