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I Have Seen the Ravages of Time...

So now we've gotten to the last of the 20 episodes from the sole production season of Glitch Techs as of this writing. And honestly, even though this episode doesn't particularly feel like a finale of any sorts, it is surprisingly difficult for me to view it outside of that lense, but maybe that's because this episode really isn't too remarkable apart from that circumstantial detail. Not to say it's bad by any means, it's consistently entertaining and it's cool to see a story diving deep into how BITT functions and his role in Hinobi's operations, but there's a certain something missing compared to many of the others, especially in season 2.

The actual plot of the episode gets off to a fairly strong start, with Miko and Five trying to declutter BITT's memory after he stops working properly by literally going inside his hard drive. This entire sequence is full of the imagination and energy we've all come to expect from the show by now, and things start getting more interesting once they find a single compressed program ('Coo-Pie-Caken') taking up the bulk of the memory, which - when activated by accident - puts him on a bizarre rampage across the town. This part sounds like it'd be just as fun, and it certainly has laughs in places, but it gets bogged down by some frustrating and underwhelming scenes. The exchange where they're able to confess to Phil, only for him to basically say he'd 'kill whoever messes with BITT' before they can is the kind of sequence I can never stand to watch. Plus, we don't see too much of Hinobi's operations breaking down without him, just a spawner glitch attack due to an incomplete upload that's rather glanced over, thus undermining the intended feeling of urgency.

Probably the most interesting takeaway from this episode is the lore we get. As stated before, we get a close look at how BITT operates, but we also get glances at how long he's been with Phil. Their friendship has always been pretty wholesome since we've first seen it in "Tutorial Mode", but it was never quite explored before now and it proves endearing how Phil was basically using BITT to keep a secret message hidden about Hinobi's mind-wiping many years ago (which unfortunately we won't get to see followed up on because network management shifts). We even see Phil's house at the end, which opens up a few more questions that I will get into in the screencaps section. Not to mention BITT does get some more depth as an actual character, with Five and Miko being nestled deep enough in his memories that he ends up overriding his protocol to help save them (even if it is at his own expense). It's not much, but what can you realistically expect from a helper robot?

Top Draw still proves their worth in the character animation, and it helps that the direction is about a notch above average with some well thought-out angles and pacing. That said, it definitely has more rough parts than usual this time, with several moments where the lighting and/or characters just don't look right. The credits claim they split the work with Studio 100 for this episode, but I have a difficult time pinning down which work was most likely theirs (if the credits are even accurate on this front to begin with). Shame, because as much as I've praised Top Draw in the later episodes, 100 brought a certain anime-like flair and an extra level of polish which didn't quite translate between studios and could've especially boosted the visuals of this story in particular. But hey, there's some good stuff here nonetheless, so without further ado...

...What the hell is going on with the kid on the left?

Point of view from Five's visor. Note he (and presumably Miko) are level 5 by this point, a nice little detail for those keeping track.

The "Please Stand By" graphic is pitch-perfect, from the clumsily tangled wires that you usually see in these kinds of messages to Helpie's condescending little shrug.

Here's an interesting angle, shot essentially from the floor. The characters don't quite translate well to this (in fact, Miko is pretty off model here) but it's neat that they tried.

So what I said about Mitch not appearing for this episode was somewhat inaccurate, as he gets a single line here (although he doesn't actually appear onscreen), angrily requesting help from BITT. Not the best send-off for a character like him, but what can you do.

I've said that BITT is at his best when he's keeping his default smile on regardless of the circumstances, but he gets a couple great bits of emotion here, like here where his eyes innocently dart back and forth as Phil threatens to replace him.

I know we've had a fair share of surreal one-off images, but this outright looks like something out of a completely different show. I don't know what looks more out of place, the photorealistic roses or that anime girl that looks nothing like Miko.

This is a cool set piece, with all these blocks representing the files levitating in a cylinder-shaped void. The simplistic nature really conveys how machines are run off of little more than code and data.

The way they slide through a progression of Phil aging over his time working at Hinobi is a dang effective way to illustrate just how much more of a curmudgeon he became.

Five and Miko's destruction of the small files is full of corny yet fun one-liners. There's not too many exciting images out of it, however, the exception being this one of Miko viciously gnawing at it like a wild dog which is... something.

I've seen many extreme scale shots in my time, but wow. They're freaking ants compared to even the little icons.

Although the icons are very simplified, which makes sense given it's only onscreen for a couple seconds, I find it fascinating that Hinobi has all these different models to perform various operations within their walls. Makes you wonder what else they're being used for.

Bergy is basically responsible for these spawners infesting the headquarters. Real good going...

BITT's first 'Coo-Pie-Caken' form. Although not a particularly memorable design in my opinion, it at least looks cool with some well-integrated CG.

There's a running gag where Miko has to memory-wipe every vendor BITT encounters. Even though there's not much to it, it's amusing to see her 'yadda yadda' more of the routine over time.

This vendor has the funniest reaction to BITT out of all his encounters: "What is this, Free Comic Book Day?" It's not as gold as the Comic-Con line in "Settling the Score", but it's still a welcome nerd culture reference.

Last time we see Miko gracefully flying on Ally. It doesn't quite have the charisma as Studio 100's work with this pair, and I don't know what's going on with that glow around Miko, though the animation when she actually hops off is pretty great.

Just when Miko and Five think they got BITT concerned, he makes this big leap that is staged in a surprisingly grand fashion. The change in aspect ratio only affecting the background is an interesting stylistic choice that makes the moment even more visually exciting.

It's about time Bergy actually positively contributed to the plot, providing the EMP program to Miko and Five. We also get a laugh-out-loud exchange out of it: "But I gotta scroll through the terms and conditions..." "Nobody reads the terms and conditions!"

The van falls off a bridge, only to launch back up a few seconds later, and we're never shown explicitly how. I don't get it.

When BITT tries to obtain an ingredient from Mama Miyamoto's, he is told he needs a vehicle to use the drive-thru, so he shapeshifts into once. Chuckle-worthy gag that reminds me of a Transformers commercial involving Burger King. You remember that one, right?

Best bit of animation in the episode, where they once more display all the steps of a major action in a single complex shot, in this case Five and Miko firing then activating the EMP power. Fantastic buildup to the explosion that's about to ensue.

The shot of BITT disintegrating into blocks is really well executed, too. Much of the integrated CG here must've been Studio 100's contributions, as they've always excelled with that in particular.

BITT's final transformation into BITT Prime is unimpressive compared to the others we've seen in the series in my opinion. Maybe I've just been spoiled by them, who really knows.

One last look at Phil being a badass. Again, I wish we got more of this.

I adore the hell out of the suspense in this scene. The two slowly sneak into the house, with unusually little noise (just a quiet, light track and the creaking of the floorboards), but when they look into the kitchen with BITT, it only takes a fraction of a second for him to loudly whip around and point his light-gun at them. Perfect.

So, why and how does Phil have this huge, elaborate setup in his kitchen? Is this something that comes with the job or is it just a common thing in this show's world? Look, if I wasn't overanalyzing, I wouldn't be doing my job here.

This is one case where the more loose nature of the animation undoubtedly works in the episode's favor. These are simply really well-drawn reactions, and it tonally matches the reveal of the program leading to a floppy disc just right.

"Miko, I don't feel so good..." (Okay, that's not what he said, but c'mon, it's impossible to not reference that with this kind of image)

"Yummy-Yum-Yum in my Tummy-Tum-Tum". Between this, the program being titled "Coo-Pie-Caken", and his recurring thing with donuts, Phil's really into food if you're guessing.

Nearly all of the footage in "Find the Glitch" was from the episodes before it, however this snippet managed to slip through the cracks and we now finally get to see it in-context. Wonder how that happened.

When Phil starts the video file, BITT gives this really ominous look. Even the freaking robot doesn't know what to think of what he's seeing.

As the pieces start to come together as to what Hinobi did to Phil all those years ago, he gives this bewildered, almost frustrated look.

Which then cuts to this mysterious flashing Hinobi logo, and that is where the series as we know it ends. Damn.

But if you think this post is where I'm going to stop my talk of Glitch Techs on my blog, you'd be mistaken. There may be no more episodes to cover for the time being, and I sure hope Nickelodeon one day finishes the 10 episodes left half-finished on their servers. But sometime soon, I'm going to make one last post that I think will prove to be a fitting wrap-up to this truly wonderful series.

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